
Explore these diabetes friendly snacks that are easy to make, use healthy, whole ingredients, and help balance blood sugars for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

low carb mexican cauliflower rice in stainless steel pan

Low Carb Mexican Cauliflower Rice

This recipe for Low Carb Mexican Cauliflower Rice is a perfect flavorful side dish and a great way to get in your veggies any day of the week.

healthy sweet snacks

19 Quick & Healthy Sweet Snacks for a Sweet Tooth

There’s a happy medium between eating a sweet treat that actually sounds good, tastes good, AND won’t leaving you feeling sluggish afterwards. Keep reading for some easy healthy sweet snacks!

dark chocolate covered grapes with nuts on skewers

Dark Chocolate Covered Grapes with Nuts

This may be one of the simplest nutritious recipes I’ve ever done. With only 3 ingredients and no cooking required, chocolate covered grapes will be your new go-to favorite!

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