What Foods Lower Blood Sugar Immediately

Article Overview

foods that lower blood sugar immediately

No foods will lower your blood sugar immediately. However, here are my dietitian tips for foods that help lower blood sugar over time, with meal ideas to keep your blood sugar in target levels.

There are no foods that will immediately lower your blood sugar in the moment. But if consistently eaten over time, some foods have been proven to help promote stable blood sugars and lower average blood glucose levels over time. If you are looking for advice on how to reduce blood sugar levels immediately, I have a whole other post on that too.

There isn’t one food that will magically protect your body from developing diabetes, or a food that will reduce your blood sugar level immediately. But research has found that some foods can help promote healthy blood sugar levels over time. Keep reading to learn:

  1. Foods that lower blood sugars
  2. Which foods to eat in the moment when your blood sugar is higher than you’d like

*This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services. The article and the links contained in it provide general information for educational purposes only. The information provided in this article is not a substitute for medical care. Do not use it in place of the advice of your physician or registered dietitian.*

Fat, fiber, and protein in foods

As you read through the foods that can help lower blood sugar levels over time, you’ll notice that they all offer one or more of the following nutrients: fat, fiber, and/or protein.

Foods that contain fat, fiber, and/or protein take longer for your body to digest than foods that don’t. This is a good thing! It means your blood sugars are less likely to rise and fall quickly. And, that’s what we want. We want stable blood sugars that don’t change rapidly.

High blood sugar levels for people with diabetes

When you’re living with diabetes, the levels below indicate your blood sugar is running higher than it should. If you’re experiencing hyperglycemia with the levels listed below, call your diabetes care team for further advice.

Type of testBlood glucose level
1-2 hours after eating>180 mg/dL
Fasting>126 mg/dL

List of foods that lower blood sugar levels

So, what foods help lower blood sugar over time?

  1. Oats
  2. Beans and lentils
  3. Salmon and other fatty fish
  4. Eggs
  5. Nuts and nut butters
  6. Seeds and seed butters
  7. Unsweetened yogurt and kefir
  8. Fermented vegetables
  9. Leafy greens
  10. Grapes
  11. Blueberries
  12. Apples
  13. Citrus fruit
  14. Avocados

Let’s take a closer look at each of these foods that lower blood sugar…

1. Oats

rolled oats

I use oats in a lot of recipes because they are a higher fiber and higher protein grain option compared to traditional flours. Oats are rich in soluble fiber which is known to help promote healthy blood sugar levels. 

2. Beans and lentils

what foods help lower blood sugar dry beans and lentils

Similar to oats, beans are rich in fiber and protein. These are two nutrients we know help promote blood sugar balance. And more specifically, they offer a good amount of soluble fiber (like oats) and resistant starch.

Both of these types of carbohydrate take longer for our bodies to digest and thus help promote more stable blood sugars. 

3 & 4. Animal proteins: Salmon, other fatty fish, and eggs

what foods help lower blood sugar salmon and eggs

Fatty fish (like salmon) and eggs are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also offer a quality source of protein and fat. Protein and fat both help buffer your body’s blood sugar response after eating and encourage stable blood sugars.

5 & 6. Nuts, seeds, and nut/seed butters

nuts and seeds to lower blood sugar

Nuts, seeds, and their respective butters offer quality sources of protein, plant based fat, and fiber. All three are blood sugar balancing nutrients we look for! These foods have been shown to not only help promote healthy blood sugar levels, but also keep you more satisfied and full for longer. 

7 & 8. Fermented foods: yogurt, kefir, vegetables

fermented foods for lowering blood sugar

Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut and others contain probiotics. A diet rich in probiotics can lower blood glucose levels. It can also blood insulin levels according to some studies. 

9. Leafy greens

leafy greens what foods help lower blood sugar

Leafy greens are a rich source of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and fiber, and can be easily added to everything – from smoothies to omelettes to salads. And as we discussed before, foods higher in fiber help promote healthy blood sugar levels. 

10-12. Grapes, blueberries, and apples

foods that help lower blood sugar blueberries apples grapes

One of the biggest myths that still exists about blood sugar management is that people looking to balance blood sugar shouldn’t eat fruit. But, the truth is, we have so much data to show the opposite. A diet that includes fruit is protective against developing pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes and can also help manage existing diabetes.

Research has shown higher consumption of grapes, blueberries, and/or apples is associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 

13. Citrus fruit

citrus fruit lower blood sugar

Eating whole citrus fruits, like oranges and grapefruit, may help promote healthy blood sugars and other related markers like insulin levels and hemoglobin A1c

14. Avocados

sliced avocados with pit

Avocados are delicious and are high in plant based fats and fiber. Both of these nutrients slow down the absorption process and promote a steady supply of energy to the blood stream… aka, blood sugar balance!

There are many other foods that can also help lower blood sugars over time in addition to the foods I’ve listed above. 

Meals to Lower Blood Sugar

Try one of these meals using these foods that lower blood sugar next time your blood sugar is high. You no longer need to wonder what foods lower blood sugar immediately or what to eat for your next meal!

This article was further updated from June 2023, and complements the other article How to Reduce Blood Sugar Level Immediately.

For more resources on managing diabetes and balancing blood sugars, check out the Diabetes 101 section of my website. We cover a variety of topics all related to balancing blood sugars!


  1. The Metabolic Effects of Oats Intake in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Nutrients. (2015) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4690088/
  2. Egg consumption may improve factors associated with glycemic control and insulin sensitivity in adults with pre- and type II diabetes, Food & Function. (2018) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30073224/
  3. Fruit consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: results from three prospective longitudinal cohort studies, BMJ . (2013) https://www.bmj.com/content/347/bmj.f5001
  4. The relation of low glycaemic index fruit consumption to glycaemic control and risk factors for coronary heart disease in type 2 diabetes, Diabetologia. (2011) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3017317/
  5. USDA Food Data Central

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43 Responses

  1. My husband is actually under weight with diabetes (just diagnosed). Wondering what foods will help him gain weight

    1. My husband is in the same boat as yours. Oatmeal every morning, 1/2 banana or 1 small banana, 1 small yogurt (plain, preferably) or Activia. Coffee (black or with Half&Half/cream and sugar free sweetener of choice: hubby likes Splenda). Lunch: 2 eggs over easy, 2 slices of toasted bread with butter, 1 meat (ham, bacon, steak), 1/2 banana or apple/grapes/melon fruit bowl.
      Unsweetened ice tea or sweetened with no sugar sweetener (Splenda, for example), drink coffee, water (lots), dinner: baked salmon with roasted veggies or broccoli, or baked chicken with rice and corn/peas/green beans/snap pod peas; or stir fry veggies with shrimp/chicken/steak (all or one of the meats). Stay away from processed foods like sausages, bologna, no high concentrated sugar foods like cakes, cookies, pies. Limit pasta or substitute for zoodles (zucchini noodles). Nuts and seeds are always good snacks, as are fresh fruit and vegetables. Reduce high sugar fruit like strawberries. Make sure your husband gets enough rest/sleep.
      Good luck!?

      1. Red raspberry tea (no sweetener) will lower blood sugar. I put one tea bag in a glass of lukewarm water and let it steep for a few minutes and drink at breakfast. I also put a teabag or two in my water bottle with cold water and drink it through out the day. Also, astragalus tincture under the tongue will lower blood sugar levels fairly quickly.

      1. Hi Joanna. Please consult with your doctor for personal medical questions. Unfortunately, as we discuss in the article, many foods can help with lowering blood sugar levels over time, but with a blood sugar that high you should call your physician immediately.

  2. Love this information! Finally a site that is NOT trying to sell anything, but giving self help and strategies to help us with this illness. Thank you and God bless,

  3. I just got out of the hospital for DKA. Worst experience ever. I never want to go thru that again. Im now into researching avoiding that at all costs. Thank you for this article it helped a great deal.

    1. Berberine will help both problems. Research the benefits of berberine and the B vitamins. My doctor recommended benfotiamine, biotin, niacinamide or a B-complex. Good research on all these vitamins.

  4. My HBA1C is 7.7 and estimated average glucose is 174.3.I am an angioplast performed patient. I don’t take any carbs nor sugary items., still my HBA1C on the higher side totally confused. Don’t know what to do, how will I face my doctor?

  5. I don’t see one reply to any of the comments on here. I’m wondering if there is anyone around to even answer questions?? Kind of discouraging.

    1. Hi Caryn, I cannot answer individual/personal health or nutrition questions so that may be why you’re not seeing responses. There’s also only one of me replying to all of these so I go through them in batches rather than as. they come in 🙂

  6. Thank you for all this info. Very frustrated that since almost a week my sugar is going up, don’t understand why? Week before had kidney stone pain, introduced new medication for my bones. Boniva and since then too much stress about my sugar, I am on metformin and Doctor is prescribing Jardin. Dontwant to lose weight.

  7. I’m border line of being healthy weight and under weight. I was in the hospital with DKA 9 months ago and I believe I go in and out of acidosis even though the the NP at our one and only clinic says its impossible and their solution is to prescribe more and more meds. Levemier, Metformin, Trulicity and Glipizide are what I currently take. Months of feeling dysfunctional. I am 54 but feel and now look like I’m in my late 60s. I am trying to research and do this on my own. I’m understanding what foods I can and cannot eat but not understanding why the ones I should still spike me. I’m thinking I’m not getting the glycemic load vs index, portion size, eating the foods in a certain order? I’m not big on processed foods, have a garden and make my own food. Make my own hummus, mayo, ect..I don’t exercise much anymore because I don’t have the muscle or get up and go. I went from working 50 to 60 hrs a week to losing my job and napping most of my days away or walking around in a confused fog. When reading on most sites it’s all about losing weight, where as I need to gain weight. Split pea soup or bean soup and hard boiled eggs are my go tos but I can’t live on..or should I say tolerate…on soup alone. Is there a ratio or an equation you could provide that would help me out on weight a healthy way. I have eliminated all bread since even a half a piece of whole wheat toast shot my levels up. So I’m fine without it and I’m not a picky eater. Sorry for the long comment, im new at this. I didn’t have (or know) diabetes until after I was sick with Covid last year.

    1. I’d like to say you can make a thing called a chaffle. It’s like bread but hardly no carbs. You use mayo, almond flour, baking powder and am egg. You can Google it to find a good recipe but you cook it in a waffle iron and can use it for burgers or anything. Or you can add some cinnamon and confectioners swerve and eat with low car/sugar free syrup. It’s a life changer for me.

  8. Yeah…One “supposed” Doctor on YouTube uploaded a video saying to stay away from any raw fruit because of the sugar content. That didn’t sit too well with me. ? It’s good to see this info about how fruit can actually keep your blood sugar levels in check. ?

  9. It just seems like I have to eat all the time if I go past 2 1/2 hours I’m in trouble. Any suggestions? says:

    My A1c is 6.1 . It seems that everything I read or study contradicts the previous thing. Some say eat eggs some say don’t eat eggs it’s so confusing with the mixed messaging. I went to my endocrinologist who sent me to a nutritionist she thought I needed to have more carbs the next person said I shouldn’t hardly have any carbs etc. I am fighting myself having huge fluctuations in my blood glucose testings. My average is around 129 but then I will have extreme fluctuations up to 220. I feel as if I’m going to die my vision gets blurry I can’t think I’ve tried drinking lots of water light exercising and sometimes it will come back down but it leaves me completely frightened. I have never been able to eat fruit as I’ve always shaped even as a kid. Have you heard of the book mastering diabetes Bucyrus homebody and Robby Barbaro? They seem to feel that the basic teachings are all wrong that we have learned as diabetics. How can I control these extreme surges in blood glucose I don’t know if I’m hypoglycemic I don’t know if I have diabetic keto acidosis.It just seems like I have to eat all the time if I go past 2 1/2 hours I’m in trouble. Any suggestions? I’m always shaky in my hands and heart racing.

  10. I had a Cortizone shot in my right shoulder today and my sugar levels at night. We’re off the chart so I started eating nuts avocados drinking lots of water and I’ve got it under control scared me for a minute and also the stress level comment and what I was reading that you had listed. I’ve had a lot going on and I think that added to it

  11. I went for a Cortizone shot today and the doctor told me that it would raise my blood sugar so I had to be careful when doing nut butter, avocados eating apples, drinking lots of water. Just kind of scared me for a while. Got it under control. Lots of helpful tips that were mentioned in your article. Thank you so much.

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